Souper Sunday Sale 2024

Sunday, February 11 | Please fill out this form and click submit.

Calling all Freedom Hope cooks and bakers to participate in the 2nd annual Women’s Ministry Soup & Bread Sale held on Souper Bowl Sunday, February 11th!

If you enjoy cooking or baking, we invite you to donate a pot of your favorite family soup/chili or loaves of your home-baked bread (any variety).  We look forward to an assortment of options for purchase. Pint soup containers will be provided. All items will again be $5.

Once you are signed up, (no later than January 31st), you will receive further instructions. Questions or clarifications can be directed to Kathy Durso (856-906-1096),; or Connie Schaeffer (484-772-9183)

Proceeds will support the Women’s Retreat in March.



Sunday, February 11
Please fill out this form and click submit.